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I am currently an undergraduate journalism student with a minor in web technologies and applications at California State University Long Beach (CSULB). I am a radio news reporter and producer for Kbeach Radio, and I work as a web designer for the Career Development Center (CDC), both on campus. I aspire to be a television news reporter and a web designer.


Through Kbeach Radio, I covered stories like the Chipotle E.coli outbreak, the vigil of CSULB student Nohemi Gonzalez killed in the Paris attacks, a Black Lives Matter panel, and more.


During my Journalism studies, I learned a wide range of writing styles, photography skills, video and audio editing, radio board and teleprompter operating, and the art of news reporting.


I have been working as a web designer for the CSULB Career Development Center’s website for over 3 years now. As a web designer I work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I have published plenty of live content, used my skills to create creative and mobile-friendly pages and most importantly, I have become more of a critical thinker. I developed a passion for coding, which ultimately led to my decision to minor in the field of computer science.



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